The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the continuation of Christ’s priesthood, which He passed on to His Apostles. By virtue of his or her baptism, every disciple is called to holiness and to share in the mission of the Church. Some are called to teach, some are called to heal, some are called to marriage, and some are called to dedicate their whole lives in ministry to Christ’s Church by joining the priesthood or a religious order.

It is no secret that the number of young people discerning Holy Orders is declining in the United States, and even here in the Diocese of Davenport. We are in need of young men and women who are passionate about living their Catholic faith and serving their neighbor as priesthood and vowed religious. Please pray for those who are discerning their vocations. To learn more about a vocation to the Catholic priesthood or religious life, please visit

Sacraments 101: Holy Orders (What Ordination Means)

What are Holy Orders? What Happens at an ordination? What does it mean to say yes to God? Join Fr. Dave Dwyer in this introduction to what Catholics believe about the priesthood.