What is Religious Education?

As Catholics, we believe that the first teachers of the faith for any child are the family
members with whom he or she lives. What happens in the “domestic church” on a daily
basis has a profound impact on the lessons and faith that a child learns. The role of the
Our Lady of Lourdes Religious Education program is to supplement the religious
education taking place and being lived out within a family’s home. Alongside their peers,
children are introduced to topics of the faith through curriculum and through catechist’s
lived-out faith journeys. We believe that it is not enough to know the facts of the faith,
but facts must lead to a relationship. Without a relationship with the Lord and without
love, we are like “a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal” (1 Cor. 13:1). Ultimately,
alongside parents, the Our Lady of Lourdes Religious Education program strives to form
lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ and invite them into the love story that is salvation

We offer K-8 and Confirmation (9 th & 10 th grade) classes on Sundays from 9:00 – 10:15
AM. Anchoring faith formation opportunities between Sunday liturgies is an intentional
effort to reclaim Sundays as a day for worshiping God, growing in faith, and
strengthening our parish community! However, it also points to the truth that the
Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life” (CCC, 1324). It is from the
Eucharistic Christ that our catechesis receives its strength. Through religious education
being oriented around the Sunday Eucharist, we strive to live out the fullness of our
Catholic faith and give proper order to the great gift that Christ gave us in the Eucharist!

Here are the basics:

  • Religious Ed will be held from 9:00-10:15 AM, between the 8:00 and 10:30 Sunday morning Masses. 
  • All children from the Lourdes Church and School community are invited and encouraged to attend…and when we say all, we mean ALL!
  • Adult classes are also offered on Sunday mornings.
  • The registration fees are as follows: $50 for 1 child, $80 for 2 children, and $110 for 3 or more children.

Please view below the Religious Education Calendar and other important events:

Ready to register?

Please fill out the appropriate registration forms.
Please note, Catholic school families are welcome and encouraged to sign up as well!

There is no registration for adults who want to participate in the adult faith Grow Group.

Click here to pay Religious Ed, Youth Minitstry or Confirmation Registration Fees


Throughout the year, we will communicate with you regarding religious education
classes through Flocknote. To join the “Religious Education” Flocknote group, sign-up using the button or form below and select “Religious Education.” After we add you to the Flocknote group, you will receive an email whenever important information is available.

Questions, or want to Volunteer?

If you have any questions, comments, or if you’d like to get involved as a volunteer to
help make these formation events happen, reach out to Kathy Schluter or complete the form below ASAP! You can also find out more about the purpose of this initiative by reading the proposal we drafted
for Faith & Fellowship Sundays by clicking here.

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