Welcome to Lourdes Catholic School

Welcome to Lourdes Catholic School

School Calendar

Nothing from Friday 14th to Wednesday 19th.

What’s Happening at LCS

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Reminder, K-8 After School Care will close at 4:30 today due to CEW preparation. ... See MoreSee Less

Have you gotten your tickets to attend Starry Night 2025 on Saturday, March 1st?

1.  He is like a tree
    planted by streams of water,
that yields its fruit in its season,
    and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
                     -Psalm 1:3 

Each 7th grader created multiple leaves of clay. They were attached to a metal tree shaped like a cross in a bronze finish (Cross made in the USA). Beautiful and highlighting the students creativity. There’s ones one! 
No hanger on the back….meant to be hung on a nail between the leaves 
Measures 13” x 18”
Definitely one of a kind

2. Simplicity at its best. Each 7th grader picked out a pebble and placed it on a cross. Wood cross made of up-cycled wine barrels from a local QCA family. So pretty. 
One of a kind - only one! 
Measures 17” x 11”. Hanger on back.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Have you gotten your tickets to attend Starry Night 2025 on Saturday, March 1st?

1. He is like a tree
planted by streams of water,
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
-Psalm 1:3

Each 7th grader created multiple leaves of clay. They were attached to a metal tree shaped like a cross in a bronze finish (Cross made in the USA). Beautiful and highlighting the students creativity. There’s ones one!
No hanger on the back….meant to be hung on a nail between the leaves
Measures 13” x 18”
Definitely one of a kind

2. Simplicity at its best. Each 7th grader picked out a pebble and placed it on a cross. Wood cross made of up-cycled wine barrels from a local QCA family. So pretty.
One of a kind - only one!
Measures 17” x 11”. Hanger on back.
... See MoreSee Less

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Why Lourdes?

Lourdes Catholic School serves grades preschool through 8th in the Quad Cities area. The state-accredited school, established in 1919, has a long commitment to excellence in faith-based, Catholic education. Here is why Lourdes is such a great investment in your child… Read More by clicking the button below.
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Lourdes Morning Prayer

God, my Father, I give you today all that I think, and do, and say. I'll try my best in all that I do. I give you my love, and will be kind and love everyone too. Amen

Home and School

The Home & School Association is our version of the PTA. Everyone is a member of this organization, and all are welcome and encouraged to get involved. We work with the LCS Board of Education to help maintain and improve the engagement and experience of our families. The Home & School Association coordinates volunteers, fundraising activities, and events for our school.
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