God is calling you to a unique purpose in life – a work of love that only you can do! Discern your charisms (spiritual gifts) and begin to discern God’s call. You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Come and discover these charisms in you!
Called & Gifted is a collaboration between Our Lady of Lourdes and St. John Vianney and is designed to help Christians discover their spiritual gifts. The Called & Gifted program consists of 9 sessions which include Church teaching on the laity and the lay apostolate, the nature of spiritual gifts, call and vocation, as well as how to undertake the process of discernment. There are also one on one interviews which help people more personally understand that this all means for them.

An enriching experience for…
- People wondering, “How can I follow Jesus’ plan for my life, in this time and place?”
- Parents who want to help their children live their faith and recognized their charisms (spiritual gifts).
- People in transition who might be changing jobs, adjusting to an empty nest, returning to the workplace, or facing retirement or other life transitions.
- New or returning Catholics who want to explore what it means to live their faith fully as an adult.
- Catholics discerning a call to religious life or ordination.
- Parish staff and leaders who want to nurture and empower parishioners.
Fall 2024 Program
All group meetings held on Mondays from 6:30-9:00pm at St. John Vianney Church (4097 18th Street, Bettendorf, IA 52722)
- September 9, 2024
- September 16, 2024
- September 23, 2024
- September 30, 2024
- October 7, 2024
- October 21, 2024
- November 4, 2024
- November 18, 2024
- December 2, 2024
The fee for registration and cost of materials is $50. The registration includes:
- Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory that covers the characteristics of 23 of the most common charisms and the discernment process.
- Scripture and Catechism references for learning about the gifts.
- One-on-one interview with a trained discernment interviewer to help you identify the gifts God has given to you.
Signup by clicking the link below for the registration form and signup instructions.
Please make checks payable to: Blessed Trinity Prayer Group.
For additional questions contact Maureen (563.940.5921) or by email at iowaconrads@yahoo.com or Jim (563.357.2560).
Video & Testimonials…
Written Testimonials from Called & Gifted Participants
“Called & Gifted was one of the most useful classes that I’ve ever taken! I’m a practical gal, so I like to know how I can have the most impact and be the most useful. This class helped me to identify and understand the gifts I have been given in order to better serve God and his kids. It also helped me to see where I am not as gifted, and it is okay to allow others to fulfill their calling in those areas.”
– former Called & Gifted participant, K.W.
“God is calling me for a unique purpose in life. Through the Called & Gifted experience, I have been able to better discern how I should use my gifts and talents for that purpose. This has changed my life for the better by increasing my self-awareness so that I am able to better serve God and others.”
– former Called & Gifted participant, T.J.
“Called & Gifted gave me an opportunity to look at my faith life; what I enjoy and feel called to do. I took an ‘inventory’ and after really searching my heart for what calls me forth, I realized gifts that I didn’t know were mine! Armed with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the reassurance of my community, I discovered new beautiful ways to continue to become the person God created me to be!”
– former Called & Gifted participant, J.D.
“The Called & Gifted process taught me that each of us has invaluable God-given gifts, and that God wants us to use these gifts. Discerning my own gifts and learning that using them is controlled not by me, but by the Holy Spirit is exciting! Understanding and using my charisms brings me joy and satisfaction, as well as comfort in knowing that I am doing God’s will.”
– former Called & Gifted participant, M.P.
“Since taking the Called & Gifted sessions, my sense of God’s love and faithfulness to me has grown ten-fold!!! The talents He has blessed me with are now more easily recognized and cherished. My work has changed from wondering what to do, into listening and responding to His call.”
– former Called & Gifted participant, E.B.
“Called & Gifted is a life-changing experience!”
– former Called & Gifted participant, C.B.