Here you’ll find updates and information about our ministry to high school students and their families.

Chosen: Confirmation Program

Confirmation preparation is just one aspect of what is offered to high school students looking to dive deeper into their faith and the life of the Church. Click here to find out more about the scope and structure of the Chosen: Confirmation Program.

Otherwise, click on the sections below to see about all the other awesome opportunities available to high school youth the encourage them in their faith and help them to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ!

Registration for Confirmation and the youth ministry opportunities below is now open. Click on the button below to get started!

Small Groups

Small Faith Groups (AKA “Grow Groups”) – We need others beside us to walk this journey of life and faith. “Grow groups” are essentially small faith sharing groups. Groups of…Read More…

Youth Alpha

Usually once a year we offer an Alpha Youth Series for high school teens (and sometimes open to middle school youth). This is a youth version of the widely popular…Read More…


Every two years high school youth have the opportunity to travel to Indianapolis, IN for the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). Over 20,000 youth from across the country converge for…Read More…

Weekly Challenge – Group Message Community

Weekly Challenge Group Messaging Community on Flipgrid – Not able to commit to a regular meeting or want to be involved at your own pace? Sign up for either our…Read More…