“The responsible participation of young people in the life of the Church is not optional, but it is a demand of baptismal life and an essential element of the life of every community.”
Final Document for the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, 2018
2024 Program Registrations Now Available…
Teenagers throughout our community are looking for something: friendships, people to support them, a worthwhile purpose, and answers to the big questions of life and faith. It is our mission as a community of believers to support and empower our youth, not simply so they can become the Church of the future, but so that they can be a vibrant and essential part of the Church of TODAY.
Lourdes Youth Ministry is the term for all of our intentional outreach and ministry to young people in middle school, high school, and their families.
Our vision: Our youth ministry strives to make the living Christ visible by meeting youth where they are, walking with them on their journey, connecting their lives to the Gospel, and inviting them into the adventure of discipleship.
Our mission: It mimics that of the parish. We help young people to ENCOUNTER Jesus, GROW in their relationship with Christ and his Church, and SERVE God and others by sharing their gifts in ministry (within the church) and mission (outside of the church).
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