Third graders are learning to understand fractions. Numerators and denominators are a lot more fun when you're counting M&Ms! ... See MoreSee Less
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Hello Lourdes & Future St. Joan of Arc Families!
This Saturday, March 29th, Seminarian Blake will be walking 25 miles for a vocations fundraiser for the Diocese of Davenport. We have been so blessed to have Seminarian Blake here at Lourdes since late January, this is the perfect opportunity to give back to our Diocese in the following ways. Please see the attachment for more information!
1. Pray for Seminarian Blake as well as everyone discerning and living out a Vocation, especially in our diocese. 🙏
2. Click on the link below if you are able to donate financially.
3. Pray for good weather! 25 miles is a lot if you are soaking wet and they are talking about possible rain!🌈☀️
There are three causes, and one is for the Diocese of Davenport Vocations Fund. If you’d like to support, you can fill the last blank on the form Click here to support! (“attributed to”) with “vocations.”
If you can’t write a check, please email Blake Riffel (riffelb@diodav.org) and we’ll figure out another payment option.
Thank you for all your support of vocations here in the diocese!
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This week the 1st graders had a tour of the church with Seminarian Blake. ... See MoreSee Less
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Great idea

Congratulations to the students and staff who were nominated for showing the Fruit of Faithfulness in the month of March! ... See MoreSee Less
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Congratulations 🎊🎈 to all❗️
Luis Puentes , Theresa Puentes, Salvatore Richard, Justine Gomes Gunderson, Adrian Puentes, Miguel Puentes

Help celebrate 50 years of CRS Rice Bowl; feeding the world for 50 years!
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Don’t forget to sign up to help in the library this month - it’s a fun way to stop by and visit your student and meet all of their friends!
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Mrs. Holmes’ 4th grade students each researched and presented about an important non-fiction person or event. ... See MoreSee Less
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Great work 4th grade!!!

This will be a great opportunity to stop by and ask questions!The Saint Joan of Arc Foundation will be greeting parents at Lourdes School Conferences on March 11 & 13! Our representatives will be available to answer any questions about the Annual Family Commitment and Scholarship opportunities for Catholic education.
If you feel called to support the St. Joan of Arc Catholic School project, pledge forms will also be available for those who wish to contribute to this vital mission of faith and learning.
Stop by, say hello, and learn how you can be part of building a brighter future for Catholic education in our community!
#CatholicEducation #Lent #BuildingFaith #SaintJoanOfArc #BettendorfIA #FaithInAction
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We have some exciting Starry Night news to announce in this month's Home and School Newsletter! ... See MoreSee Less
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One last chance to see some Lourdes alumni and other great students perform, today at 2pm!🎶✨The wait is over! The Sound of Music is here!✨🎶
Join us for opening night tonight, or catch the magic this Saturday or Sunday. Don't miss out on this timeless classic!
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This week the 3rd grade students participated in Immigration Day, where they learned what it was like to immigrate to the United States through Ellis Island. Afterward they shared many foods from their countries of heritage with their classmates. ... See MoreSee Less
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Such a wonderful learning activity for the children, while having fun and experience the foods from different cultures too! Fantastic idea
This is very important. The world is full of God’s people. We need to respect each other and learn about the reasons for moving from one place to another.