My name is Jennifer Hines. I am new to Lourdes but have been teaching for 17 years. I truly enjoy working with kids and helping them to discover their potential, set goals, and grow in faith. I love the students’ excitement when their goals are reached and new ones are set when they make new discoveries in their lessons, and as they build their family of friends.
I received my BA in elementary education, reading endorsement, and special education certification from Buena Vista University. I have taught in both elementary and middle school settings, as well as small and large districts.
My husband Bill and I moved to the Quad City area five years ago to be closer to our sons. We have two sons, Mitch and Jake, who both graduated from St. Ambrose University, are married, and have made their homes in the Quad Cities. We are now entering an exciting new phase of our life: grandparenting! When we are not busy with school and work, we spend time with family, hiking, biking, kayaking, or just chilling out playing board games.